Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 248: Method Behind the Magic

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my Photography section, Water Burst

Here's the third in my series of water art. I think this image makes it easier to guess how the images are created. But I'll explain it anyway.

I used clear and colored water droplets of various sizes and placed them in formation on a CD. I then used my full-spectrum (daylight) light to shine over the design. The CD acts like a prism and breaks the light into a spectrum. The water droplets reflect the light as well, putting rainbows on rainbows. Then I took the photos using the macro setting on my camera to get nice clear close-up shots.

Once the images were uploaded onto my computer, I played in my photo and paint programs to intensify the colors and darken the images. Voila!

I found that the CDs were a fairly small canvas, so the curved edges and centers usually end up in the photo. Yesterday I bought a laser disc on eBay hoping it will reflect like a CD, but give me a larger canvas on which to paint with water droplets. When my disc arrives, I'll do some experimenting. You just might see more examples of this technique.

I got the idea to take these photos from a photographer I saw online who does spectacular water art. For really wonderful images, go take a look at Martin Waugh's Liquid Sculpture. And for information on how he created the images, read the photography entries on his blog.

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