Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Days 360 & 361: The Big Trip

I added two new photographs to Creative Journey in my Photography section. The first, 3am Departure. The second, High Anticipation.

Yes, the big 8th grade school trip to Washington DC, Gettysburg and New York City has begun! Jodie's been anticipating this trip all year. There were lots of after-school meetings to raise money, learn what is expected, plan and dream.

This morning ... in the weeeeeeeee hours of the morning ... it was time to take off.

The kids and chaperons met in the parking lot of a local business. Next came the shuffling of bags and people into the car pools and a 45 min drive to the Spokane International Airport.

Energy levels were high, even though sleep levels were low.

A couple minutes ago, we got a phone call from the nation's capitol. "It's awesome! We saw lots of memorials already. The Jefferson Memorial was the most impressive!"

"It's amazing how much one person can make a difference."


It's amazing to me how much difference this little girl young lady has made in my life!

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

This entry speaks to me, a lot. My eldest DD, age 10, is off on a 6 day trip on June 28. We are counting down with increasing excitement to this day. Why so excited? It's not like she hasn't been away from home before, and to a different city even, without us. This one is different cos this trip requires a passport and involves 50 cheerleaders travelling to a different country to compete.
So your photo of bags in the very early morning made me realise that that will be us, very soon. And that I must remember to "capture the moment".
Thanks Cameo - being allowed to peek in at your journet is a privilege.