Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 562: Winter, Winter, Go Away

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my Photography section,
The Great Melt

I made it out the door this afternoon for a short walk around the neighborhood. There being few sidewalks in this part of town, the walk was still a bit tricky.

Ice berms are piled up at the sides of the streets. Mud puddles and potholes abound due to the constant freezing and melting. Big patches of ice remain in the shadows of trees. It's not easy to stroll along without cars flinging water in my direction as they speed by.

Still, it was good to be outside again, bundled in my hat and gloves ... take in some sun and vitamin D ... listen to an audio book as I walked. I even found a dirty quarter over by Circle Park.

We may yet get another snow flurry or two. But the worst of Winter is over. We tiptoe, poised on the cusp of Spring.

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