Monday, March 10, 2008

Hard Questions

These are difficult questions for me because the 'things' that I want most are not things, not objects. My physical life is pretty satisfying. I have the basics of food, clothing, shelter. My health is getting better and better. My kids have the resources to attend college. There's a bit of money put aside in the bank account for a rainy day. I have as many toys as I need, and a bit of spare cash to buy things along the way.

With those basic needs met, what is it I want?

Certainly a content and fulfilling marriage. Continued good relationships with my girls.

Beyond that, there are inner needs and desires to be met. Personal growth. A healthy mind. Places to direct my intellectual curiosity. Having an easier time learning to forgive. More congeniality with extended family. Good female friends my own age that live near me.

Is it worth the cost? The time and effort it takes to get these things? Maybe. Yes to some. I'm not so sure to others. There is only so much time and energy to go around, so I want to focus on what is most important to me.

Still, these are good questions, well worth meditation.

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