Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday Secrets: March 09, 2008

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I find it to be an amazing sociological experiment. These two secrets resonated with me today:

Our family's secret was RAGE. It started with my Dad, and filtered down to me and my siblings screaming, pushing each other around, trying to get a sense of having some bit of power over ourselves and our situation.

There were too many sleepless nights where I shuddered under my covers, listening to my parents yell at each other through the long, wee hours.

There were too many days I'd hide behind the clothes in my closet, just trying to hold in the tears, the feelings and attain a bit of comfort in the closeness and darkness.

I proudly voted for Obama in our caucus on Super Tuesday.

I crave great oratory. I am inspired by his words of hope, both spoken and written (have you explored his book? I have!) There is power in words where positive images are woven that expand the mind to what is possible, inspires listeners to life-affirming action.

His voice is a welcome change from the sputtering, negative, self-important, autocratic, divisive drivel of our current administration.

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