Saturday, September 6, 2008

Morning Ritual

As a kid, I wasn't so good about making sure my bed was made every day. I've been extremely good about it since being married to Dale ... so for well over 15 years. Now, it feels weird when I don't make my bed first thing. I learned that if I just make my bed, my room already feels more than 50% cleaner. That's just one less bit of visual clutter to mess up my day.

I like Frost's additional idea that as the bed is made up, so is the mind. We really do get to decide our own attitude. We don't always get to decide what monkey wrenches and challenges and flowers get thrown into our path. But we do get to decide how we'll perceive these outside influences and how we respond to them.

School started this week for Jodie. She has a zero hour class (pre-regular-school-day), so needs to leave the house by 6:15 each morning in order to have time to eat breakfast and get to Jazz Band on time. Previous to this year, I stayed in bed and slept while my early-bird husband got up and took her to school on his way to work.

This year, I'm making a concerted effort to get to bed before 11pm (which is still better than my old habit of 2am!) My goal is to wake up with Dale and Jodie and see them out the door with a kiss and proclamations of love. So far, so good.

Yesterday, I headed out the door for my 2-mile walk before Dale and Jodie left for the day. The sky was wonderfully purple with clouds. The air, just chill enough for a light sweater. My Zune in my ears, listening to a playlist that I call "I'm Worth It" ... full of uplifting songs that put my frame of mind on an excellent plane. Being so early, there were only two other walkers out ... they looked sort of grumpy and wouldn't return my greeting.

That early morning walk was completely invigorating! My brain was full of endorphins for hours. My attitude was stupendous. It was so good, I want to do it again! And again! Oh! Again!

We really do have the ability to decide our own attitude. And what better time, than at the start of the day.

Make up your bed; make up your mind.

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