Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Look Up!

It's all in the perspective, isn't it?

There's a Barry Manilow song that I love called
I Made It Through the Rain

It got me through some pretty tough years.

The beginning lyrics are:

We dreamers have our ways
of facing rainy days
and somehow we survive.

We keep the feelings warm
protect them from the storm
until our time arrives.

It's the optimist in me that never stops looking up. And I've had some dreary, dreary days.

Underneath the stresses of the day, the hurt, the pain of loss, the tough decisions, the errors made, I have this resilient side of me that keeps on believing in good and possibility and maintains hope.

Even in the gutter, it's possible to look up and see the stars.

Easier for me, though, when I have my glasses on. We can all use a bit of extra help sometimes!

Here's an unusual version of the song I found on YouTube this morning. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

hey Cameo - two very recent posts up on Antique Mommy made me think of you! Check it out and tell me if you can work out which two they are.