Thursday, November 6, 2008

Maybe It's NOT the Other Guy

So many times when I find myself pushing against the world because I want something done my way, I just don't get what I want.

Stupid world.

Stupid people.

Don't they know that everything would just go much more smoothly if they just listened to me and followed my directions? I'm very good at giving directions. In fact, I'm excellent at writing step-by-step directions! So why don't people just listen, read and follow??????

:: beat head against wall here ::

Then ... I get out my secret weapon. I ask my sweet husband for advice and shut up long enough to listen to it.

My sweet husband. He doesn't fight the world like I do. He finds ways to work within established systems, even if those systems don't meet his preferences.

[ ::snort:: Which is why he is good at living with ME ]

If I can shut up and listen. Ask questions. Debate. Consider. Stew a bit.

Well ... I can compromise or, yes, even change my mind.

Often, in doing that, the hard times don't seem so hard.

When I step back and watch objectively, I can see that people that know how to live in Plan B generally have much less angst. They don't have so many "should-a" and "have-ta" moments in their lives. They are more like water, flowing over and around rocks in a stream. Not like me.

A big old chunk of ice trying to get by without melting.

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