Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm OK, and You?

So today's phrase doesn't LOOK like my usual phrases. That's because I ran across this excellent tidbit on the FOUND website this morning. Be sure to go look at the original posting! The context of this find was pretty interesting.

I really like this statement!

You see. I have a problem. It's called honesty. When someone asks me, "How are you today?" I rarely just say, "Fine! How are you?" the way most of society around here does.

I find myself stopping and considering the question as if the person asking really cares! Then I answer accordingly. Yeah. Way TMI.
[too much information]

I actually have to consciously make myself say something more mundane. If I'm not really up to par, I've come up with "Fair. And you?" On really bad day? "Hangin' in there."

On super good days, I'm a heck of a lot of fun. I'll fling my arms open and hoot, "Excellent!" or "I'm the king of the world!" You get the picture.

But using the above definition, perhaps when the nicety of the question "How are you?" is asked, I'll be able to answer, in all honesty. "I'm OK."

In my own head, I know I'm implying that my faults and emotional problems are not going to paralyze me today!


Kathryn in NZ said...

I'm awful cos I use FINE (deliberately) alot - but you need to know that FINE stands for
F@#$ up
Neurotic, and

How to say what you really feel, politely.

Sandy said...

I'm one of those "fine" people too. I only say find all the time because I don't want anyone to know how I really am. I guess I'm too private.

I love that statement though, it's perfect!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sometimes I just ignore this "How are you? " Question, because I am truthful also. I like Kathryns answer! Gives a whole new meaning to FINE! :)