Monday, December 1, 2008

On Being a Writer

I'm trying something new on for size:
Margaret M. Davaz, writer

Hmmmm. How does that sound? Writers are artists, right? And I've always wanted to be an artist.

As that goes, I suppose that photographers and needleworkers are artists, too.

Recently I related a story to my psychiatrist about a trip I made to Moscow to hear an author give a reading. This author is someone I went to college with and had not seen in over 20 years. We were English majors together. It was an important day in my life ... maybe I tell the whole story here before long. But, I digress.

After I told my doc the story, he asked, "Do you write?"

I replied, "I blog everyday. I suppose you could call that writing."

"What do you write about?"

"Well, my needlework. And I post photos. And I write about my recovery."

Then he asked how many readers I have and noted that it's hard to get a following, blah, blah, blah, reading blogs takes a lot of time, blah, blah, blah. When I handed him one of my 'business' cards that reads CameoRoze's Stitcher's Studio, he chuffed something about "stitching."

I've been pondering that conversation for the last week. And I decided something.

I AM a writer!

As students and potential writers, our instructors said that the best advice to be given if you want to be a writer is to write. Daily. As part of a routine. Make it a normal part of your life, as simple as breathing.

I never really wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be an editor. So I didn't practice writing. Well, except in my journals. And I did write there daily for years ... then I'd quit ... then I'd take it up again.

But since this world of blogging has come along, I've been inspired by other writers and needleworkers and photographers to add my voice. Daily. As simple as breathing.

So ... that qualifies me, right? There is no quality control here or anything, right? Who's to say that I'm NOT a writer?

I AM a writer.

Margaret M. Davaz, writer

I like the sound of that.

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

I've always liked the way you sound, and YES you, Cameo, ARE a writer.
hugs and support always xox