Sunday, January 4, 2009

An Excellent Attitude

Why put on your 'best of' characteristics only in front of company or to impress a potential mate?
I never really understood that.
I mean, on an intellectual level, I get it.
But why would a person want to live like that?
To only give their best to impress other people?

The people I am most drawn to are those that exhibit consistent strides toward being their best. They don't have to be the best at a given task. But they put forth their own best effort. To these folks, excellence is not an exception; they stride for it in most areas of life, from sorting socks to making proposals at work. They do their part. Arrive on time and prepared. They are not full of excuses, blame, whining, complaining or general grumpiness.

I'm not talking about perfectionists or obsessive/compulsive types, either. Just those folks that put in a good effort as a normal part of their living.

My sweet husband is like that. I try to be like that, too. I don't appreciate shoddy service or work that's done "half-assed." If you're going to come to the table, bring some game!

No need to impress. It's more a matter of pride and self-satisfaction. It's the daily bringing forth of one's best effort. It all begins with daily doses of excellence.

Do it for those in your circle of life, yes.
Do it for yourself.

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