Monday, January 5, 2009

I Appreciate ...

Five things I appreciate today:
  1. A day home alone after all the holiday togetherness. I cleaned the house, did up some laundry, listened to uplifting music and enjoyable podcasts. It was a nice change of pace, even though I wasn't really ready for the holiday closeness to be over.

  2. My sweet husband's strength. I worked on shoveling snow off the back deck and the driveway for a couple hours, and made a dent. Then Dale got home and the tasks were completed in record time. He can make short work of a heavy-lifting job.

  3. The sound of Jodie learning to play her "big tuby saxy thing" ... otherwise known as the bass clarinet. She's new to the instrument, so there are a number of squawks coming from her room as she learns. Still, I love listening to her practice. I love that her interests keep expanding and she tries new skills with such enthusiasm.

  4. Shrimp Osaka and Pork Egg Rolls from Noodle Express. Yum.

  5. Hot water cascading over my sore body. We do live in a marvelous land that allows for hot, hot, hot clean running water, lovely scented soap, White Shoulders powder and flannel pajamas.
What do you appreciate today? Leave me a comment!


Sheila @ Dr said...

wow- "Hot water cascading over my sore body. We do live in a marvelous land that allows for hot, hot, hot clean running water, lovely scented soap, White Shoulders powder and flannel pajamas"

That sounds really good.

I appreciate all those who visited me today and voted. Such incredible generosity!!

margie said...

i also appreciate a day at home in an empty house. i make such good use of time for some reason. i love that you appreciate your husband, i have no doubt he appreciates the fact that you at least took a stab at the driveway! if you are posting macros of maple leaves you must live in snow country as we do. kath and i starting a ten minute challenge..come have a look and play along with us.