Saturday, January 23, 2010


Procrastination. Guilty as charged.

I live a very charmed life. My husband has a great job that supports the family, so I don't need to work outside the home. I am a full-time homemaker. My day, my time, is my own.

My problem?

My day, my time, is my own.

My inability to manage that time wisely is a challenge. I'm a great one for making To Do lists. I'm a great one for checking things off those lists. But I'm even better at creating lists where ten things go on and six things get done.

Generally speaking, no single item on the lists is intimidating. Most projects can be broken down into simple steps. Unfortunately, I too often view the entire list and get discouraged. There's just too much to do!

Here is where my ability to hyper-focus and pay attention to details might come in handy. Focusing in on just one job -- or even just the next three things -- can be beneficial. Allowing myself the relief that comes with concentrated effort, reminding myself to "Just Start," and perhaps even setting a timer to segment the workload, will help me overcome the procrastination that keeps me from checking those items off as done!

I get so discouraged when I reach the end of the day and wonder where the heck my time went. So Friday, I began by picking three things, and just starting them.
  1. Get some exercise -- take a walk in the sun
  2. Get the photos off my camera and cell phone. (Some were there since last November!)
  3. Write some blog posts.
By 10:45 in the morning, I'd already completed them!

Those things accomplished, I gave myself the satisfaction of scratching them off the list, then took a break. Once refreshed, I picked the next simplest three things to begin.

My father-in-law had a great saying:
Do the easiest thing first,
and you'll have the easiest thing left.
Those are great words to live by. I'll start with this time that is given me.


Carolyn NC said...

Yep - name, too about some things. I've really been convicted lately about the wise use of my time, too! Thanks for the reminder. :)

LisaG said...

I've been pondering over your FIL's saying & I think I shall ponder some more, especially when I come to choose the first item on my next "to do list".