Thursday, March 25, 2010

Film Worth Noting

I watched this documentary about the Iraq war this week. It is an eye-opening film that presents an important point of view. Two western journalists tell the story of American occupation from the point of view of Iraqi citizens who oppose the coalition's presence.

The film was shot in the first year of the war when, as we now know, so much was mishandled. No matter what your view of American involvement in the war, this is a film worth watching to uncover a rare perspective.

The film is entirely in Arabic with subtitles. I watched it with the option of the film makers commentary. Very thought-provoking and enlightening.

Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Meeting Resistance is a daring, eye-opening film that raises the veil of anonymity surrounding the Iraq's insurgency by meeting face to face with individuals who are passionately engaged in the struggle against coalition forces. It documents for the first time the sentiments experienced and actions taken by a nation's citizens when their homeland is occupied.

With unique insight into the people involved in the resistance, this acclaimed film explodes myth after myth about the war in Iraq and the Iraqis who participate. Voices which have been previously unheard - both males and female - speak candidly about their motivations, hopes and goals, revealing a kaleidoscope of human perspectives.

Through its unprecedented access to insurgent and clandestine groups, Meeting Resistance is the missing puzzle piece in understanding the Iraq war- not only the toll of our occupatiion but the mindset behind those who resist.

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