Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Touched With Fire

I've had a series of synchronicities today that have all centered around my bipolar syndrome. It's peculiar to see my own journal writing, and an article about how people respond to the thought of medication, and watching a friend who is denying his illness spin out of rational thought, and watching a movie based on the books that most helped me understand the illness.

All these things crammed into one day have put me in an odd state of mind tonight. Reflective. Contemplative. Introspective. I found myself doodling this:

Through it all ... the years ... the counseling ... the journal writing ... the meditations ... the reading ... the gathering of tools and strategies to help me on emotionally rough days ... the acceptance ... the acknowledgements ... the building on small successes ...

In the midst of all the turmoil, there is this through-line:


Having a stable, charmed life is worth the work of being relentless in the pursuit of good mental health.

Love is worth it.

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