Thursday, March 24, 2016

Signs of Wildlife

I went for a walk in our local wooded park this morning. Hanging above a picnic table I found this notice.

I'd heard there were moose in the area. My neighbors saw the mother and calf last winter. But I kept missing it. So on my walk, I kept my eyes open, hoping for a peek.

I must have been close, because I found this scat deeper in the forest:

Alas, it must have been dropped a while ago. It was not steaming in the chill morning, but it was fresh!

I'm so used to living in this beautiful part of the world, that I sometimes forget just how lucky I am. Next door to this park is a summer camp for kids where memories are made each year of living among nature. I get to be here year-round.

More photos from the forest floor to come!

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