Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hey, Dale!

Happy Father's Day! 

My love, my partner, my buddy, my guy, my sweetheart.

You deserve a day to put your feet up.

I'm sorry it didn't happen today, that we were driving all day, and as I write this blog post, you're out fetching dinner. But I promise to give you a day very soon ... when you can stop and put your feet up ... and we can celebrate you properly.  

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Chocolate Pudding Mousse

Shared for no particular reason. It looks yummy and tastes great.

Plus, the photo has been languishing on my phone since February.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Meanwhile, In Our Garden

Dale's boss sent this bare root plant and galvanized bucket as part of a team-building exercise.

But hey, at least it's growing!

This is why I rely on my neighbors' gardens for flower photos. 😀

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Plum Purple Petals

Time for another game of Guess This Texture.

This is a fairly easy one, I think.

It's fairly obvious that it's a flower. 

Did you guess Petunia?

Flowers are like people. I like finding all the hidden-in-plain-sight beauty deep within.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Try It Too-sday: I've Got an Idea!

I got this idea from a photograph I found on April 02, 2020. I wanted to Try It Too!

Here's the picture I'm replicating. I'm don't know the original photographer. I certainly appreciate and thank them for their idea!

The Inspiration Photo


Monday, June 14, 2021

Candy Eggs

I've been editing old photos like crazy today. I have about 75 more to go from the images I downloaded from my phone. I'm currently working on images from 2018. The process is going well, but after hours of it, I'm feeling a little loopy.

I could do with some of these candy eggs ... from a photo I took when we were babysitting Melody while her little sister was being born two years ago.

I'm going to feel quite accomplished once this project is complete!

Sunday, June 13, 2021


We're having a drizzly day today, all overcast and gloomy. So here are some daylilies to brighten the afternoon.

Brilliant up close

Abundant from a distance

Bold colors

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Flower Walk

On this brilliant sunny day, laden with clouds to the west, I decided to take a walk through the neighborhood. 

Flowers are everywhere! In the trees ...

at the curb ...

in the fields.

My neighbors are genius gardeners, and I reap the benefits.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Shades of Beige

I'll be getting a new phone before long, so am taking some time to remove, organize and file photos from my current phone. In delving into my photo archive, I found these three photos from 2008 that made me smile. These were all taken with my little point-and-shoot Canon Powershot camera.

Shape and form

Compact fluorescent lightbulb

Architectural detail

Denver, CO

Bit o' Joy

Spokane River
Post Falls, Idaho

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Graduation Day

Sort of.

I began counseling again last year. Like most of us, the pandemic isolation was difficult for me. That, plus dealing with my husband's stroke, not getting to spend time with my daughters, and not having the opportunity to get involved in our new community had me dragged down.

My symptoms showed up as high anxiety ... and lack of joy.

Eighteen months of effort, some tweaks to my meds, and a double dose of vaccine later, life is looking up. I'm not biting my lips and twisting my fingers quite as much. I'm noticing a few creative wins. My energy is returning.

At the end of today's session, my counselor and I decided that since I'm doing so much better, I'll be checking in with her less often. Her final words to me were, "It's so good to see you smiling again! It looks like you found your joy!"

I'm so grateful for her help. I appreciate feeling like me again.

Oh ...
Does this mean I'll be putting fewer jigsaw puzzles together? Perhaps.
To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Try It Too-sday: Mr. Peanut Gives His All

This week's #tryittoosday isn't about creating a replica. Let's just say ... it rhymes with the original.

My version features Mr. Peanut:

Here's Kermit, my inspiration:

Yeah ... I do believe Mr. Peanut is giving Kermit the side-eye.

(I found the Kermit image online in October 2019, but I don't know who the original photographer is).

Monday, June 7, 2021

Isn't It Grand!

It's already been a week since the Dale Davaz family was all together in Moscow, Idaho. We took the long Memorial Day weekend to celebrate Melody's 4th birthday -- and the fact that all the adults are vaccinated. We hadn't been together for a year and a half!

One of the fondest memories was when Mimi, Papa, Aunt Jeannie, and Aunt Jodie took the littles to the park. We climbed on things, slid down things, rolled down the hill, and did lots and lots of swinging.

Melody is learning to pump her legs. With the help of Aunt Jeanne, she swung so high that her little bottom popped out of the swing seat at the apex. It feels like flying!

Annie is the swing duration champion. She sat in the swing, mask on, holding on tight, allowing Aunt Jodie to push her until she fell into a trance. She nearly fell asleep. Annie allowed me to hold her and carry her on our walk home because she was so tired. 

(It's the only time she allowed me to hold her for more than 15 seconds the entire weekend!)

I'm so gratified that we'll get to see them more often over the next months.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Change of Seasons

... change of decor

Dale moved heaven and earth (well, lots of storage boxes and tables) to pull these seasonal decor boxes out of the garage for me. Time to do a little redecorating in our living spaces.

Saturday, June 5, 2021


My old lower back injury got the better of me today, so after a nap I decided I  needed a nice quiet activity. I put this wonderful owl puzzle together while listening the the end of my current audiobook, Three Women.

This is the first time I put a puzzle together by this company. It is a great quality. Nice, thick pieces and no puzzle dust at all. The colors are bright and the image is engaging. It was a great way to pass an afternoon.

I bought this puzzle for myself. I think my granddaughter Annie's love of owls must be rubbing off on me. This flowered owl is probably my favorite on the puzzle.

They all have wonderfully expressive faces.

Plus, their plumage is fantastic.

I'm sure I will return to this delightful puzzle over and over.

Friday, June 4, 2021


For no particular reason, I thought about this piece I stitched back in April 2007. The design is by an outfit called Bizzi Creations. I stitched it, then donated it for a charity quilt. I particularly like the bright colors and the hearts in the center.

It's such a happy design. Makes me want to get my needle and floss out again.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Grandbaby Bulletin Boards

Once my granddaughters make up their craft kits, I wanted to give them a place to display them. I bought two picture frames from Dollar Tree and removed the glass. I had a couple cork tiles which are nice and thick. Using an Xacto knife, I cut them to frame size. The frames barely held the cork without falling apart, so I reinforced the corners with both super glue and duct tape on the back. The frames can either stand, as shown, or be hung on a wall.

At ages 2 and 4, they recognize the first letter of their names. So using some stencil letters, I stapled their initials to the center of the cork. Then I added a few push pins to the top.

Dale and I (and Jeanne and Jodie and Julie and Jeff!) are all vaccinated. We got to spend the entire Memorial Day / Melody's 4th Birhday weekend with Julie's family. It was wonderful to all be together again after a year-and-a-half!

It was great to sit back and watch the littles open the packages and recognize whose bulletin board was whose. Melody got right to work rearranging the push pins because poking is fun!

The girls were intrigued by the next Grandbaby Craft Kits, too. Melody, in particular, liked blowing through the Fire Breathing Dragon's head to make the flames wiggle out of his mouth. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Try It Too-sday: Dandelion

Today's #tryittoosday elevates a simple weed.

Here's my version:

I was inspired by this photo by Kevin Oke which caught my eye way back in 2009:

The tricky part was trying to get the yellow petals to glow.