Tuesday, April 26, 2016


This week in #CornerOfMyHome, the dish cupboard in the kitchen.

The dishes ... Feistaware interspersed with look-alike bowls and plates from the dollar store. Amazing how well they look together.

The cupboard ... a hand-me-down from my mom. I'm pretty sure it was her mother's hutch. My dad was tightening screws in the doors and broke them. He always did like to over-tighten screws. What an odd memory this photo conjured.

Gosh. That shelf paper is looking quite dated. Time to replace it during Spring Cleaning.

I believe that one of photography's greatest gifts is that it helps me see the reality in front of me. I get so used to my "stuff" being a certain way, that I don't realize how it looks until I photograph it and see it through fresh eyes.

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