Some days a girl needs to clothe herself in whimsey.
I think I look like my sister Janet here. 😊
Dale and I finished the fudge!
What do you get when you combine candy morsels, walnuts, dried cranberries, and pure vanilla extract
Back in the early 1980s, my mom crocheted afghans as Christmas gifts for me and my sisters. Each design was unique. This is the afghan Mom made for my sister Janet. Several years ago, Janet sent the afghan to my eldest, Jeanne.
The color choices in the blanket are so very Mom. She liked colors that were slightly muted, rather than true bright rainbow colors.
When the grandkids were visiting for Thanksgiving week, Melody and Annalee spent some time with me in my Studio. They had some questions about my photo cube setup.
Welcome back! It's been a very busy week-and-a-half. The Idaho contingent of the family had a visit for Thanksgiving week. We celebrated two birthdays. I got my annual mammogram and my semi-annual mental health evaluation. Docs say I'm good to go.
The autumn decorations are almost tucked away in their containers. Yesterday I got a lovely new bed.
And sciatica. That one's not so fun.
We've had cold and foggy days. Frozen fog, even. The deep frost finally killed off the morning glories in the back yard. We're closing in on the winter solstice, so the sun is setting far to the south.
I'm just about over my exhaustion now, and reached the end of this restful day.
Let's play a game of "What the Heck IS that Thang?"
This is how my photo editing program thought my picture should look ...
Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Wind. More rain.
But this morning, I saw this out the 2nd story bedroom window from across the room (that's why so much more sky than land).
It's a nice reminder that even on the most difficult and cloudiest days, the blue sky is just a whisper away.
I completed this purse earlier this month. I was playing with variations in the purple stripes.
I'm still trying to figure out the best method for the closure. So this time I made the loop a bit longer. It can wrap around the entire flower (see above). This way it's hidden behind the petals when the purse is closed. This works pretty well, but I'm not convinced it's the method I'll stick with. It's a little clumsy. Will little girl fingers be able to maneuver it easily?