Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bach's Magnificat in D Minor

Dale and I were exhausted one day last week, so we spent the entire day side by side putting this 1000 piece puzzle together. 

The illustration is by Charles Wysocki, who is one of our favorite jigsaw worthy artists.

This puzzle was slightly unusual in that it's taller than it is wide. So we had to put it together looking at it from the side. I like that it comes with a nice poster-size image. That way one of us used the poster while the other referenced the box top.

This puzzle doesn't have as many vignettes as most of the Wysocki puzzles we've put together, 

but I counted 5 flying birds, 

2 chickens, 2 dogs,

and 22 cats!

I especially like this one hiding in the shadows of a yellow rose bush.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Signs of Spring: Crocus

I've been spending a lot of extra time over at our daughter Jodie's house this week. Each day, I see more changes in her yard.

This patch of crocus bloomed overnight.

The daffodils are in bud. They'll "trumpet" their arrival soon.

It's so great living in Oregon where Spring arrives early.