Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day 277: Imitation

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my Photography section, No. 2 Pencils

I found a new-to-me photographer online whose photos really capture my imagination, Jason from Springfield, MO. I thought I'd take a page from his book and try my hand at similar photos.

The original photo is called Number 2. Jason explains that he's trying out a new camera gadget (Kenko Extension tube) that can take wonderful close-up photos. I love the lighting, the detail, the relief in his photo! Look at the way his "2" pops out on the pencils! Look at the dings and dents in the metal part of the pencils. Look at the grain of the wood. Wonderful.

So, here's my knock-off version of his great photo. My detail is not as crisp. But I did get some repetition of line, some detail flecks in the pencil paint, and the lighting isn't too glaring on the metal ends.

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