Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just Who Are You, Anyway?

I do know that I write this blog with authenticity. Lately, I've not been writing much. I haven't been taking photos, much less posting them.

I have things stirring around inside me that I'm trying to sort out and haven't found the words yet. I seem to be seeking order in my surroundings, but I'm only getting there in fits and starts. One of my habits is to organize my outer surroundings to help me get my insides in order. Just as my surroundings are finding order in fits and starts, so goes my inner life.

My quiet will undoubtedly change over time and I'll get chatty again. I'll get in a groove. I'll get brave enough to reveal more of what's going on inside.

But the spirit-to-spirit connection? You bet. That's what I want with my readers. So I'll keep plugging away at these postings in hopes that something clunks into place and I'm off and running again.

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