Friday, February 16, 2007

Days 244 - 245: Strange Beasts

I added two new photographs to Creative Journey in my Photography section.

I call the first one Yakity-yak.

No, these aren't really yaks, but the first time I saw them, a couple weeks ago, there was plenty of snow and ice on the ground and these beasts of burden were sporting very long and curly coats. I couldn't believe my eyes! These woolly fellows, standing in their pasture across the road, sure looked like the yaks I've seen in books.

By the time I got close enough to take their picture, they'd had a hair cut. Turns out they are a special breed of cattle and get shown off quite a bit locally. There are five that live in the pasture, each a slightly different color. They're wonderful animals and very impressive both from a distance and up close.

The second photo is of my daughter and her friend on Spirit Day.

There's nothing quite like dressing in your school colors for a day ... especially when our middle school (and high school!) use the Halloween colors of orange and black.

There were lots of crazy-legged kids running around campus today ... a whole other kind of strange beast.

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