Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Secrets: November 29, 2009

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I find it to be an insightful sociological experiment.

I've been away for a while, traveling as far as Pittsburgh, PA and Portland, OR ... checking out universities with my daughters. Then there was Thanksgiving ... then my birthday. And someplace in there I was sick for a couple days.

It feels good to feel good and be happy ... and catch up on PostSecret and blog! These seven secrets from the last three weeks tickled my fancy. And everybody knows it's great to have one's fancy tickled every now and again!

I enjoy being the adult who makes up stories
like this for little ones.


My kids roll their eyes when I do it,
but I often find myself whistling "Jingle Bells"
"Deck the Halls" throughout the year.

I think God IS the love of friends!

Some very special moments happened between my mom and me
... and again with my dad and me
... in the minutes before they died.

I'm CERTAIN my brain doesn't function exactly as it should,
and I do change it, slightly, for the benefit of my family.
It's difficult to live with someone who doesn't manage a mental illness.

I want to be like him when I grow up!
I think I'm on a pretty good path.


Carolyn NC said...

These are really awesome this time! Love the one about the cupcakes!

Unknown said...

When my sister was in her final coma, her son and I were planning her memorial service and singing different songs that she might have enjoyed to remember their tunes. One of us started to sing "Amazing Grace" and she came out of her coma long enough to sing along! It was my very last memory of her, and very special.