Friday, March 26, 2010

Gratitude: A Good Night's Sleep

I didn't get one of these last night.

I was up at 3am, and didn't manage to get back to sleep until 4:30. When family troubles weigh heavily on my mind, and when my medications cause hot itchy rashes, my dreams turn peculiar and my body says, "Enough!"

And I'm up with the owls.

With a glass of warm milk and my husband's soothing words, I am lulled back into peacefulness. So though my sleep was interrupted, I awoke refreshed and ready to jump into my day.

Nights filled with restful sleep lead to days of alert presence, vitality, energy, the ability to cope with whatever challenges jump out in front of me. Nights filled with sound sleep help me make wise choices the following day. Nights filled with good sleep allow me to be the best woman, mom, wife and friend I can be.

Let's hear it for the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs

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Weekly Gratitude
For 52 weeks, count your blessings and document them once each week

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