The Fels-Naptha bars are pretty solid and a bit hard to cut or grate. So I popped them in the microwave for a short time - just enough to soften them a little, but not enough to make them start losing their bar shape.
When the soap had softened, I chunked it into a manageable size
then grated a few chunks at a time in my food processor. That worked OK. But during the clean-up of my tools, the soap didn't want to easily release itself from the blade. Next time I make the mixture I think I'll grate the soap by hand with a cheese grater. It may take longer, but I think I'll like the texture of the soap better as strips of soap rather than little pea-sized soap balls.
Next I poured all the ingredients into a plastic container that has a tight-fitting lid. You might consider doing this outside as all those powders tend to fly up in the air and you'll end up breathing them in. It was a rainy day, so I mixed them in the kitchen, just trying to be careful.
In the instructions I was following, two optional ingredients are mentioned. The first is a bucket of OxyClean. Since I don't like to use that on all my clothes, I left that out. I simply add OxyClean to the loads that need the extra boost. The other optional ingredient is a fragrance booster. Since I received a (very small) sample in the mail and liked the aroma, I added the little green pellets to the mix.

The proportion of fragrance booster to the soaps is obviously too small in the photo below. A couple weeks later I was able to find a store that carries the booster, so added in a full-size container.
It takes about 1.5 tablespoons of this mixture for a full load of laundry, so this bucket of soap should last a long, long time - especially since this is a household of two people. How do I like it? Well, these are my observations:
- Though the container has a fairly tight cover, it's not aroma-proof. It's a fairly strong odor when I walk into the laundry room. It's not bad. Just strong.
- It's a good idea to start the water in the washer and add the soap before putting the clothes in. That helps the Fels-Naptha dissolve. Grating the soap by hand would give less dense soap bits. My guess is that they would dissolve more easily than these pea-size bits.
- This laundry mixture does not bubble and foam like the detergents I'm used to using. So you can see the clothes agitate, see a bunch of dirt being released from the clothes in the water, but never get the bubbles. That was disconcerting at first.
- The clothes smell good coming out of the washer. Again, not that 'detergent' smell, but still a clean smell.
- The only thing that didn't come out as clean as I'd hoped was a rag that had a greasy splotch on it. So for greasy stains, I'll use a pre-treatment with a stain-remover aid.
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