Friday, April 10, 2015

Self Portrait Week 14: Feeling My Age

When I grow old
I shall wear purple
and marvel at the blue veins
that creep prominently up my hands.

When I grow old
my glasses will slip down my nose
so I'll chain them to my neck
in case they fall completely off my face.

When I grow old
I'll tape my thumb in place
when I sprain it
then rest my chin upon a cane
as I gaze out the window at spring blossoms.


Photo Lessons I learned:

I had such fun creating this self-portrait! I love the way I look so much like my mom here.

This week I set up my home photo studio in our dining room. I took the picture as morning light streamed through the east window (on the left). I added a reflector on the right to add some fill light. I used a mirror propped on a chair by the camera and tilted it up to add more light to my face.

I found this great wig at a thrift store. On half price day, it only cost $1.50!
(I actually found five wigs, so there's more fun to come).

Unfortunately, I really did sprain my thumb this week and I had my doctor check it out. I've also developed a pain in my knee when I kneel too quickly (no more genuflecting for me!) Plus there's a small benign cyst bulging on my chest wall that's bugging me. So ... I was beginning to feel my age this week, and thought I'd capture it in a funny photo. This one makes Dale and me laugh and laugh. He says that even if I start looking like this, he'll keep me around.

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