Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Artist's Way

In my experience, there are at least two kinds of artists. The ones like need a calm workspace so that they can work with a nice clean "blank piece of paper." Their studios are tidy and their supplies all lined up and ready to use.

click for larger image

  And there are artists that need a boatload of supplies within easy reach so that the tools of the trade speak to them and begged to be used. Their studios are like a big pile of pixie stix, a nice jumble of texture and color which breeds inspiration.

Which do you think I am?
I cop to being the first orderly kind. I have a hard time creating in clutter because it overstimulates my brain and I have a hard time concentrating on a single project. If  you notice I haven't been crafting or sewing much lately, it's because my Studio needs to be tidied up.

My 50 mm challenge continues

Top photo:
50 mm
1/160 sec.

Bottom photo:
50 mm
1/50 sec.

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