Sunday, August 27, 2017

Studio 31 - Day 16

Some days in the Studio just aren't that interesting. Especially set-up days. That was today.

So I started out the day going for a walk. Around here, the apples are beginning to fall from the trees. I found this one sitting on the fence rail. It could have fallen there, under the tree. Or maybe someone placed it there. But it must have been tasty, because it appears either birds or squirrels had been feasting on it. And recently, because the flesh hadn't turned brown yet.

Honestly, this partially eaten apple is more intriguing than the needlework I did today. Basting the grid for the next cross-stitch piece, Gobble Gobble. We're out of printer ink, so I can't even enlarge and print a working copy of the chart so I can start stitching.      :: sigh ::

Maybe tomorrow I'll start the painting project. Or the floral project. We'll see. Dale and I are on vacation right now, so I may just take a few days off.

My enthusiasm is downright contagious tonight, isn't it?
:: deep sigh ::

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