Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Four Months!

I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with this little raspberry blower today. Our Melody is getting quite good at blowing bubbles and making farty noises! She also now has full control of her head. She's so strong! She'd much rather stand than sit. She's even big enough for her bouncer now.

But if Mommy is more than a few feet away, Melody is not all that chuffed to have Grandma hold her and play with her. She checks to make sure it's OK, then she'll look me over and try to figure out if I'm alright or not.

Little Melody has a mind of her own. She let me know when it was ok to give her loves, and when she was NOT going have ANY of that!

The most fun is sitting back and watching my daughter become a mother. The two of them are the best playmates. Julie can get Melody giggling, and her little dimples show up when her smile is wide. Julie is getting very good at understanding what each of Melody's cries mean. And nothing is more precious than watching them close their eyes and rest together after nursing.

Every now and then I feel like I really did some things completely right as a mom. It becomes poignantly apparent when I look on these two as only a grandma can.

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