Most mornings I wake up with some kind of earworm (song) in my head. Yesterday it was this:
Lovely Day by Bill Withers
I decided it was a good day to pay attention to the Lovely Moments that presented themselves, and take photos:
The aroma of a fresh bar of soap
My lowest fasting glucose reading in months
When my daily haiku practically writes itself.
A bright, warm, red sweatshirt on a chilly, grey, rainy morning
Enjoying the puzzle I put together yesterday (a dedicated blog post on this coming)
Sewing linings in these 5 little-girl purses Jodie and I crocheted for Bags of Love. I'm delighted with how these came out! (a dedicated blog post on this coming)
Stacks of freshly laundered towels and underwear.
50 bookmarks I finished sewing, also for Bags of Love. (a dedicated blog post on this coming)
The beautiful Oregon afternoon with bright sun, blue skies, puffy clouds and kids playing soccer. Lovely after the morning rain! Photo taken through my Studio window.
Crisp clean sheets to snuggle into at night.
It really is the little things!!!
I ended the day with a huge sense of well-being. I'm convinced that there are pleasant details around me all the time. I often notice one or two and showcase them here on my blog ... like the late afternoon lighting up my fruit punch.
Now and then, it's "lovely" to consciously look for these moments and either take an actual photo, or make a "memory snapshot" where you stop to look at the scene and place it in long-term memory ... or maybe even write about it in a journal.
I highly recommend this exercise to pull more happiness and loveliness into your day.