Thursday, September 19, 2024

Jigsaw Puzzle Week: Day Nine

This is the last puzzle I'll share for now. It's actually the 24th finish of the year, which means I've completed another of my 24 Goals in 2024.

This little wood puzzle was a toughie! I called in backup and Dale helped me put it together. It's the first time I've ever attempted a puzzle like this. It comes in a plastic box that's about 4" x 4" x 1.5" and the only image of the finished puzzle is this 3" x 2.5" sticker. I ended up taking a photo of the sticker and enlarging it on my phone.

These are all the pieces.

Some of them are cut into very fun shapes!

The various animals can be identified more easily upside down.

Since the pieces don't snap together securely, the entire wooden jigsaw puzzle is quite fiddley to put together (and keep together!) The pieces are very small. But look how beautiful it is when finished!!!

Here are some details:

de head

de tail

de feet

Time to end this week+ of puzzles and go do something more relaxing than editing photos and writing blog posts. Hmmmm. Maybe ...

put together a puzzle? 

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