Saturday, May 23, 2009

From a Different Angle


Perhaps that's what I enjoy about good poetry. Skill in using language. Subtlety in manipulating subject matter. Accomplished with a delicate hand, a well-constructed pattern. Fine poetry is mindful, has purpose. Words executed in a concise manner. Verbs and articles optional, or when used, carry weight, meaning.


Exquisite poetry is like a home with balanced chi. Energy flows through the poem, circulates, comes around again. Each object, each word chosen with discrimination, placed with precision, retained only if it adds to the whole. It's clutter-free. Ideas, concepts in concentrated form.


The consummate poem pulls emotion from you, is evocative. Calls forth memories, feeling. Leaves a vivid image, an emotional impression. Elicits, manipulates, provokes a physical response.

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