Sunday, June 28, 2009

Believe What Your Heart Is Telling You

I wish I'd had this advice when I was a young adult. As much as my heart was leading me in one direction, I didn't go there because the mother of a boyfriend told me it was not a worthwhile way to go. In another instance, a family member belittled the direction I was heading in school.

Instead of going forth with conviction, I went in the direction of my heart always doubting myself, my abilities, how worthwhile my ambitions were. I never did reach the original dream.

It took many, many years to undo that damage. It took a lifetime to realize that just because those people didn't see the value in my contribution to the world, it did not mean that my contribution is not valuable.

Now I am much more prone to listening to the direction my heart leads me. I know that there is as much value in the directions important to me as in the directions these small people told me I should go. Now, when belittled, I stand tall and firm, and laugh in the face of detractors.

If I choose, I can feel sorry for myself for all those opportunities missed. But why waste even more time?

Now I choose that which is important to me, that which makes my heart soar. For I've come to know that when I dare to follow my own north star, there is benefit to those who sail the ship with me.

"To thine own self be true."

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