Friday, September 4, 2015

Self Portrait Week 35: Labor Day Weekend

The end of Barefoot Season


Photo Lessons I Learned:

  • This week my inspiration came from a photo by Laine Apine on Flickr. That photographer's photo was much darker and had a more shallow depth of field.

  • I first tried this photo in afternoon light. It was too bright and left much to be desired. So I waited until the following morning when the light was prettier.

  • I had to put a black backdrop behind the stool I was sitting on to block out some of the light and part of my back yard. I also cloned in some black in a few spots where the light was shining through the deck slats because it was distracting.

  • In editing, I darkened the photo quite a bit and added more contrast. I like all the tones and texture that come out in the deck, even though my legs are slightly blown out.

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