Thursday, August 26, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Boardwalk

Over the years, I've taken many a walk on the boardwalk that surrounds the marina at the Coeur d'Alene Resort in Idaho. There were years when I needed to go often to catch a breeze, clear my mind, and get some distance vision.

I liked going in the off-season when the marina was less than pristine, the skies were overcast, and the tourists were scarce.

Everything felt like it was waiting ... waiting ...

... holding steady.

I remember taking this photo. Standing on the boardwalk, half way down the western stretch, the sun  following the Spokane River, lowering itself behind the hills. It cast this glitter on the water. I had a strong sense of my mom's presence. She'd been gone for 10 years.

Light glittering and dancing on water always reminds me of her.