Sunday, July 10, 2022

Being Neighborly

On Monday Dale and I got a knock on the door. Outside was a slightly frazzled woman who asked, "Would you like some strawberry starts?"

She's our neighbor down the street, who we met for the very first time. She said she's re-doing her yard, and doesn't need these strawberries anymore. The two folks she was going to give them to didn't turn up. So she was going door to door, finding out if any of the neighbors would like them.

Well, yeah! I've been wanting to grow strawberries for quite some time. I couldn't say no. 

She brought us three big boxes of starts!

Well, now we were in a bit of a pickle. We haven't built any raised beds yet (because we haven't desided how we want to configure our low-maintenance yard). So using what we had available in our garage, we came up with this idea.

We filled all the planters we have with strawberries and were still able to give one full box to another neighbor. We'll let these settle in for a while. When we're ready, we'll build that raised bed, and transplant them.

So far, they're acting like they're happy. Cross your fingers that they stay that way for a while.

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