Sunday, November 6, 2022

Eugene Park Tour: Revisiting Alsea Falls

The first time I saw Alsea Falls was in February 2022 with Jodie. The woods were just starting to wake up, and the spring runoff was not yet in full swing. It's a gorgeous spot. Ever since then I've wanted to take Dale to the Falls. We got there last month.

Half the enjoyment of the Fall is the ride there. It's so beautiful driving in the Oregon countryside. And this time, we didn't get lost on the way. Bonus!

From the main bridge, looking upstream, the river looks so peaceful as it reflects the sky and trees.

Downriver, below the falls, the beaver dam looks bigger than ever. What crazy, intricate construction!

Dale and I crossed the river and found a nice hiking path. When we return, we hope to see where it leads

through the tall trees.

Closer to the waterfall, the path moves from evergreens into the colorful deciduous trees and ferns. These maple leaves are larger than my hand.

Since the water level was even lower in the Fall than it was in February, Dale and I were able to climb around the rocks even closer to the falls, feeling its spray.

Dale loved this trip. He said it may be his favorite park visit yet. We intend to return with a picnic lunch when the weather is warmer.

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