Wednesday, November 1, 2023

For All This, I am Grateful

It's November, The Month of Gratitude.

I happened on my blog post from February 09, 2011. I thought I'd give the exercise another try. For all these things, I am grateful.

Outside my window:
The morning glory vines died after frosty nights. When the rain stops, I'll remove them from the trellis. The flowers gave us a lot of pleasure last summer.

I am thinking:
about some of my goals for 2024. Geocaching and visiting parks still rank right up at the top. I also have a few home improvement projects in mind.

I'm thankful for:
my Daily Dance. It's what I call my morning routine. I am grounded by caring for my body, mind, spirit, and home. I freshen my body, check my blood pressure, tidy the bedroom and bathroom, stretch, write 5 things I'm grateful for, write a haiku, read a chapter, seek spiritual inspiration, smile or laugh, plan the day's activities, do a 5 minute meditation with music.

From the kitchen:
I crave the aroma of homemade soup and baked goods. November brings out the chef and baker in me (but just a little).

I am wearing:
Cozy oversized sweatpants, a t-shirt, warm socks, and a hoodie. It's my uniform now.

I am creating:
Abby's crochet afghan. A home decorated for the coming holidays.

I am going:
to buy more Nerds Gummy Clusters. Jodie introduced them to me a couple weeks ago. Now I'm obsessed. Chewy, fruity, sweet, tart and crunchy? Yes please!

I am reading:
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie. I love his writing.

I am hearing:
The soft rainfall pattering on the concrete patio.

Around the house:
It's quiet today. Dale is sick with Covid, so I'm engaging in quiet activities so he can rest.

One of my favorite things:
is watching laughing baby videos. When I'm having trouble finding joy, the babies make me giggle.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Take down Halloween decorations. Work on my photo organization project some more. Do a quick craft project. Maybe make some little wooden pumpkins. A girl can't have too many pumpkins. These plans are subject to change if I catch my first case of Covid from Dale. Then the plan is to rest, rest, rest.

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