Thursday, January 4, 2024

Italian Cooking

Growing up in a family Italian food establishment, working there from the time I was 10 until I was 18, cooking Italian pizza, spaghetti, meatballs, lasagna, and grinder (hoagie) sandwiches was second nature. I literally did it in my sleep/nightmares.

Now, I don't much like to cook at all, much less make the food of my childhood.

But I got a bee in my bonnet last week to cook some meatballs. I was hungry for a meatball sandwich, and the ones I get from Subway just don't quite fill the bill.

So I made some. They look good! They smell wonderful. I had the first meatball with pasta. The next day I made this sandwich. Sadly, my unfortunate meatballs are crazy bland!

I took this photo before my first bite. 

My sandwich was such a disappointment that I nearly changed my mind about bothering to write this blog post. But then, while editing, I noticed this:

A heart of parmesan cheese. Well, how can I pass up posting another heart?

I swear that hearts seek me out. Let's spread some January/Winter love, OK? 

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