W-A-Y back in 2012 I made this batch of heart-shaped crayons. At the time, I gave a couple away, then gave the rest to my daughter Jodie who was in college at the time. She thought she might share them with her friends for Valentine's Day.
The heart-shaped crayons were made by melting chunks of crayons in a silicone mold. By adding a mix of colors, the hearts have a crazy-quilt look to them.
Low and behold, while Jodie was cleaning out the garage last week, she found 10 of the crayons! She asked, "Mom, did you make these? I seem to remember that you gave them to me. Do you want them back?"
So together we hatched a plan to package the hearts as part of the Quilted Hearts project. True, these are crayons, but they LOOK like quilted hearts. The Quilted Hearts, Acts of Kindness Facebook group I'm a member of is more concerned about sharing the idea of leaving hearts as an act of loving kindness than with the necessity of the hearts actually being quilted.
Then Jodie came up with the idea of leaving the packaged hearts in Little Free Libraries in her neighborhood.
I added the idea of leaving one of my Judy Blume books in each little library when we dropped off the hearts. I've finished 11 paperback titles in my "Summer and Fall of Judy Blume," so I was ready to give the books away. (I've very nearly finished all 30 books I intended to read).
Yesterday Jodie and I set out with a rather sleepy Abby to visit 10 Little Free Library locations to drop off a heart and book.
This library even had a small bowl of dog treats!
Little Free Libraries are generally quite well kept. Some of them are painted to replicate their owner's homes. This adorable library was covered in illustrated animal paintings.
Bonus! Jodie and Abby picked up some new books along the way! We gave away 11 books, and picked up five. When Jodie is done reading them, she'll visit some of these libraries again and exchange her old books for "new" old books.
Jodie said that completing this outing knocked an item off her 25 Goals in 2025 list. What a great start!