Friday, January 10, 2025

New Year Cards

Since activities around Christmas fill up the days before the 25th, Dale and I have moved to sending New Year Cards instead of Christmas cards. This year it was a joint venture.

Dale did the math, then made the template the way I envisioned it. We printed it on heavy cardstock.

Then I got busy painting, using a video tutorial I found on Facebook

Following the video, I painted ...

and painted. I used three shades of green, red, some gold, and a silver/grey mix. The painting is done with Q-Tip cotton swabs. I ended up making 20 cards.

While I was painting and signing the back of the cards, Dale wrote the poem.

I addressed the envelopes, he helped with the licking of the envelopes (mmmm ... tasty!), adding the return address label I designed, and adhering the Christmas postage stamps.

What a team!

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