Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 500: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my
Photography section, Glass Blocks

Well, this is a milestone. My 500th daily photo!

Kind of an odd one, yes?

As I took a walk around the neighborhood, I decided to go on another slightly different route. This time I went by a couple houses that are going through some renovations. The first house enclosed the front porch, added a beautiful cove window, new siding, and paint. It's looking marvelous!

The second house must be having a bathroom redone, or maybe a back porch. Who knows. I can only guess by a nondescript company sign in the front yard and this pile of glass blocks that was sitting by a fence. It looks like the wall was carefully removed because all the blocks in the pile appear to be intact.

My guess is that the blocks will be used again, or maybe donated to a Habitat for Humanity ReStore. It also looks like they've been sitting in the autumn elements for a while. Moss is starting to grow. And they are covered by all kinds of interesting debris.

I liked the way the late afternoon sun was reflecting off the faces of the block and the ruggedness of the edges where the mortar had been removed.

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