I'm struggling with this question today.
It's a
gorgeous day in north Idaho. The sun is out with temperatures in the 60s. The skies are clear and as blue as this graphic. The long, long, long winter is really over. There's only a hint of one last pile of snow in our backyard. We lovingly call it "the glacier."
Yesterday, my sweet husband and I took our first ride of the season in the convertible with the top down. We drove along the country road on the south side of the Spokane River. It couldn't have been nicer. Fresh air running through my hair, my love at my side, easy conversation.
So what's with me? When so much is going right in my life, why do I feel I've lost my passion?
I haven't been doing much of the things I usually love:
- stitching
- charity work
- reading
- photography
- baking
- crafts
- other forms of needlework and sewing
Or blogging.
Just as the world is waking up, I feel like I've lost my mojo.
I know that, in part, it's because I am releasing a toxic relationship. Someone that meant a great deal to me in the past currently causes me anxiety with each new bit of correspondence. So it's time to loosen my grip and let this person slide away. At least for a while. Quite a long while.
It's hard, because this sweet friend used to 'juice me up.' Get me thinking in new ways. Open ideas to me. Give me a different perspective on life. All with great humor and insight.
I miss that.
But I don't think that's the only part of my life that lost its
So today, I'm asking the question:
What WILL I do with this one wild and precious life?
To start, I'm blogging again. I have a few posts planned ... a finished quilt square I stitched for charity, a flower photo, a book review.
Maybe I'll work on revamping my website this afternoon. That work brings me joy.
Maybe I'll take my camera for a walk and we'll find some connection again.
And some quiet stitching will bring me back to my center.
If I happen to stumble on some passion along the way, I'll be sure to share it here.