Charlie came into my family's life in May 1975. He was one of the "Get Well Soon" plants my mom received after her first operation for cancer. He's one of the few plants that made a successful trip from southern California to Idaho.
My mom gave me a cutting from her Creeping Charlie which I managed to keep alive -- sometimes barely alive -- for all these years. During the time we were remodeling our house, he almost died. But once life settled down and he had a permanent home in the kitchen, he came back to life.
Each of my daughters received a cutting from Charlie. I think one or two of Charlie's "kids" is alive in their homes.
I'm tickled by how much I like this plant, and how often I've taken his picture. I suppose Charlie is one of the most steady guys I've had in my life. Every now and again, he deserves another portrait, don't you think?
My 50 mm challenge continues
50 mm
1/200 sec