Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Month of Gratitude - Day 08

Prompt: What book are you most grateful for?

Some people might call this a planner. Flybabies might call it a Control Journal. I call it my Guidebook.

This notebook continues to evolve in a way that is totally personalized, so it's very useful. My mind can be so full of chatter that it's easy for me to forget things unless I write them down.

It in are lists of annual goals and intentions, home and yard tasks Dale and I hope to tackle together, self-directed classes I want to take, photograph ideas, crafts I want to create, reminders of lonely people I want to reach out to, and charts of tasks I want to remember to do on daily, weekly, monthly, and semi-annual schedules. I don't keep all my charts up religiously, but I find them very useful so that things like cleaning under a refrigerator or writing to my elderly aunt don't get pushed aside for too long.

I'm like a living, breathing barometer. On days with falling barometric pressure (like today!), I have real trouble concentrating and moving forward. So my charts and lists help me know where to start and take baby steps to keep our home running smoothly.

So today, this is the book I'm most grateful for. My little buddy is always handy next to my chair. It gives me a small sense of security that nothing major - and a lot of things minor - won't fall through the cracks that can trip me up in daily life.

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