Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Graduation Day

Sort of.

I began counseling again last year. Like most of us, the pandemic isolation was difficult for me. That, plus dealing with my husband's stroke, not getting to spend time with my daughters, and not having the opportunity to get involved in our new community had me dragged down.

My symptoms showed up as high anxiety ... and lack of joy.

Eighteen months of effort, some tweaks to my meds, and a double dose of vaccine later, life is looking up. I'm not biting my lips and twisting my fingers quite as much. I'm noticing a few creative wins. My energy is returning.

At the end of today's session, my counselor and I decided that since I'm doing so much better, I'll be checking in with her less often. Her final words to me were, "It's so good to see you smiling again! It looks like you found your joy!"

I'm so grateful for her help. I appreciate feeling like me again.

Oh ...
Does this mean I'll be putting fewer jigsaw puzzles together? Perhaps.
To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose.

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