Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Grandbaby Bulletin Boards

Once my granddaughters make up their craft kits, I wanted to give them a place to display them. I bought two picture frames from Dollar Tree and removed the glass. I had a couple cork tiles which are nice and thick. Using an Xacto knife, I cut them to frame size. The frames barely held the cork without falling apart, so I reinforced the corners with both super glue and duct tape on the back. The frames can either stand, as shown, or be hung on a wall.

At ages 2 and 4, they recognize the first letter of their names. So using some stencil letters, I stapled their initials to the center of the cork. Then I added a few push pins to the top.

Dale and I (and Jeanne and Jodie and Julie and Jeff!) are all vaccinated. We got to spend the entire Memorial Day / Melody's 4th Birhday weekend with Julie's family. It was wonderful to all be together again after a year-and-a-half!

It was great to sit back and watch the littles open the packages and recognize whose bulletin board was whose. Melody got right to work rearranging the push pins because poking is fun!

The girls were intrigued by the next Grandbaby Craft Kits, too. Melody, in particular, liked blowing through the Fire Breathing Dragon's head to make the flames wiggle out of his mouth. 

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