Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 603: Tug o' War

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey
in my Photography section,
After the Hail

Winter and Spring are playing a game of tug-of-war here in north Idaho.

We awoke to another layer of snow at daybreak. As the flakes were falling, they were huge. That usually means the snow will not last long. As soon as the temperature rises, the snow turns to rain.

And so it rained ... most of the morning.

After lunch was a relatively calm period. Then came the hail which pelted me as I walked across the street to fetch the mail.

Dale and I went for our walk in the early evening. The precipitation had stopped by then. But the many forms of falling water did a bit of damage on the shrubs that had just begun to flower.

Still ... Spring is growing stronger. Winter will have to thoroughly give way before too long.

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