Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Secrets: Apr 20, 2008

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I find it to be an amazing sociological experiment. These are the secrets resonated with me today:

When my sister was a new teenage driver, she used to take us younger siblings out in my mom's station wagon. We'd start following another car around until they finally got upset and stopped to see why we were following them. Then my sister would innocently open the window and ask the other driver to give her directions to a nearby park or other obvious destination. The other driver was usually taken aback, but dutifully gave the directions. We'd drive off in the correct direction, howling with laughter.

I wish my sibling sent in this secret ... because I stopped sending cards when by sibling didn't answer for months and months. After a while, it's like hitting my head against a brick wall to keep trying and get no response.

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